I set up my show at the Urban Pear this morning with Chef and owner Ben Baird (twitter). I was welcomed by delicious coffee and was very interested to hear about the food truck the Pear is getting ready to hit the streets in May. You are in for a treat ottawa!
It's very satisfying to see work go up on the walls of such a fine establishment after working away in the studio surrounded by piles of scrap metal. I feel like a groundhog crawling out of my hole. That said, the exhibit looks great in these surroundings, so check out the Pear's website for it's hours and other info.
The Urban Pear is closed Monday and Tuesday so the show will start on Wednesday Feb. 27 and runs until May11th. Come on by and check out the show and while you're at it have a look at the menu. Awesome!
Stay tuned!