Friday, December 18, 2009

Globe and Mail: 90 Days of Collage, Day 5--Rain date!

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Chance of Showers

You know, I've been really psyched for this project. Alas, today the Globe and Mail did not arrive on my doorstep. I phoned the circulation number and the kindly robotic gentleman informed me that my subscription account would be credited one day, so 90 days of collage will continue, rain, snow, sleet or hail. It just may not be 90 consecutive days.

So to deal with my nervous energy and to fulfill my self-imposed task of one collage a day, I give you Chance of showers, another cereal-box collage which I completed today. It reflects the state of limbo one enters when putting too much faith in the weatherman.
Two consecutive days of elephant collages, you may well ask? Pure coincidence.

1 comment:

redcatdance said...

Is this then 91 days of collage?? I know why you made a weatherman collage Timster: your local newspaper delivery boy has now cast a seed of doubt into you as to whether you will ever get another Globe and Mail, the way JJ makes us wonder if he is right when he says 0% POP, and then it rains.

I'll bet the paperboy won't get a xmas envelope from you this year.

I love the festive umbrella and the happy sun... nice in these long dark cold wintery days.