I'll be here tomorrow. I participated in the Idle Hands Christmas show in 2010 and was really impressed at the selection of Ottawa talent represented there. Come on down to Chinatown and say hi!
Saturday, June 11 · 10:00am - 5:00pm
St.Luke's Anglican Church 760 Somerset Street West Ottawa
More Info
Come join us for our first annual spring sale. We are offering up delicious food, unique jewelry, clothing, artwork, bath and body products, children's toys, glass works , music, home decor, letterpress prints, and much much more.
Admission is $2 with a chance to win one of our fabulous door prizes ! Please note that this is A CASH ONLY EVENT !
This year we will have a fund raising raffle to help support the non-profit arts collective Chinatown Remix's growth and future events. Prizes have been kindly donated by our vendors, as well as local businesses, including Venus Envy, Patrick Gordon Framing, The Papery, Restaurant 18, Social, artist Adrian Gollner, to name a few.
This years vendors are :
Art Is In Bakery
Oh My Ampersand !
Sweet Molly
Cuckoo's Nest Design
Ian Roy
Don Kwan
Urbanite Jewellry
Abi Lyon Wicke
Kathrin von Dehn
Auntie Loo's Treats
Indie Go Designs
Flo Glassblowing
Timothy Hunt
Liebchen Designs
Fish On Fridays
Ground Soap
My Real Food Life
BWK Designs
Jasmine Virani
Neon Matisse
Mad Mother Designs
Annie Bananie
Green Acre Toys
Frash Femme
Play Clothes Press
Lamb Rabbit
Andrea Emery
Meredith Luce
Eufemia Bella
Winged Beast Outfitter
Prairie Girl Creations
Tree Frog Percussion
Higashi Designs
Purple Urchin
Elisabeth Baechlin
Spins and Needles
Spins and Needles will also be mixing up some smooth spring time beats and some DIY surprises so there is no need to leave empty handed .
See you there !